Spicy Invaders v.1.0.0
A TUI Space Invader
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Views.BaseMenuViewAbstract description of a menu and its default behavior
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Views.MainMenuViewMain game menu. Lets the user start a game, change options, get help or quit
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Views.PauseMenuViewRepresents an in-game pause menu. A pause menu lets the user restart, set up or quit the game
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Views.SettingsMenuViewDisplays the settings menu and gets the user input. The settings lets the user choose the game's difficulty and toggle audio
 CCh.Etml.Utils.Console2Extensions for the Console class
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Engine.ConstantsClass used to store game constants. Large texts have been generated using the "Slant" font on the following website: https://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=Slant&t=
 CCh.Etml.IO.FileManagerManages input / output with the file system
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Controllers.GameControllerGame engine. Takes care of handling user inputs, updates and draws the game
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Models.GameModelMain game model. By default, the difficulty is set to easy
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Views.GameViewRepresent a Space Invader game
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Engine.HelperHelper class used for various operations such as erasing sprites or checking collisions
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Engine.IDestructibleRepresents an element that can take damages and be destroyed
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.BunkerRepresents an in-game bunker. A bunker consists of a single cell. To form a wall, use a bunch of bunkers. The Game.SpawnBunkers(int, int, int, int) allows for easy creation of walls
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.EnemyRepresent an in game enemy. An enemy can attack the player
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.AlienRepresents an alien enemy. An alien has only one life but shoots faster than a squid
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.SquidRepresents a squid type enemy. A squid shoots at a medium pace and has one life
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.UfoRepresents an UFO type enemy. An UFO is harder to destroy as it has multiple lives and its shoot rate is fairly high
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.MissileRepresents an in game missile
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.SpaceshipRepresents an in-game spaceship. The spaceship is controlled by the player
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Engine.IUpdatableRepresents an element that can be updated through time
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.GameObjectRepresents an abstract, in-game object
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.BunkerRepresents an in-game bunker. A bunker consists of a single cell. To form a wall, use a bunch of bunkers. The Game.SpawnBunkers(int, int, int, int) allows for easy creation of walls
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.EnemyRepresent an in game enemy. An enemy can attack the player
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.EnemyContainerRepresents a container used to hold multiple instances of the Enemy class
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.MissileRepresents an in game missile
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Entities.SpaceshipRepresents an in-game spaceship. The spaceship is controlled by the player
 CCh.Etml.Utils.Math2Complements to the default Math class
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Controllers.MenuControllerController for menus
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Models.MenuModelModel used to hold menu-related data
 CCh.Etml.Play.ProgramEntry point of the program. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38426338/ for details about the removing of buttons
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Models.ScoreModelStores the score
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Controllers.SoundControllerHandles the game's sounds and musics
 CCh.Etml.Play.Game.Models.SoundModelHolds sound-related components of the game